This white paper includes an in-depth overview of endpoint privilege management and how an effective approach significantly enhances an organization’s security against rising cyber crime. It covers:

  • The origins of the least privilege concept
  • The benefits of application control
  • The current cyber threat landscape
  • How endpoint privilege management works to mitigate risk seamlessly and with minimal disruption to user productivity

“Excessive employee access is one of the fastest growing unmanaged risks for organizations and it’s because most organizations don’t know where to start.”


Eliminate unnecessary privileges and elevate rights without hindering productivity

With BeyondTrust’s Endpoint Privilege Management solution, you can eliminate unnecessary privileges and elevate rights to Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux and network devices without hindering productivity.

We’ve combined best-in-class privilege management and application control, making admin rights removal simple to ensure compliance, security, and efficiency. It deploys in hours and leverages more than two dozen validation criteria to elevate applications securely and flexibly, and elegantly scales to meet the demands of even the largest and most complex organizations.

Want to learn why over 20,000 customers chose BeyondTrust?
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