Smart Rule Assets
GET SmartRules/{id}/Assets
Returns a list of assets by Smart Rule ID.
Required permissions
Read access to the Smart Rule referenced by ID.
URL parameters
id: ID of the Smart Rule.
Query parameters (optional)
- limit: (default: 100000) Number of records to return.
- offset: (default: 0) Number of records to skip before returning <limit> records (can be used only in conjunction with limit).
Request body
Response body (when limit is not given)
Content-Type: application/json
[ { WorkgroupID: int, AssetID: int, AssetName: string, DnsName: string, DomainName: string, IPAddress: string, MacAddress: string, AssetType: string, OperatingSystem: string, CreateDate: datetime, LastUpdateDate: datetime }, … ]
Response body (when limit is given)
Content-Type: application/json
{ TotalCount : int, Data : [ { WorkgroupID: int, AssetID: int, AssetName: string, DnsName: string, DomainName: string, IPAddress: string, MacAddress: string, AssetType: string, OperatingSystem: string, CreateDate: datetime, LastUpdateDate: datetime }, … ] }
Response codes
200 - Request successful. Assets in response body.
For more information, please see Common response codes.