Quick rules

Quick Rules are a specialized Smart Rule for building a list of known managed accounts by ID. Smart Rules are considered Quick Rules when they contain at least one Managed Account Fields - Quick Group ID filter. Quick Rules can also be accessed via the SmartRules API endpoint.

Quick navigation

POST QuickRules


Creates a new Quick Rule with the managed accounts or systems referenced by ID and Rule Type.

Required permissions

When RuleType=ManagedAccount:

  • Password Safe Account Management (Read).
  • Smart Rule Management - Managed Account (Read/Write).

When RuleType=ManagedSystem:

  • Password Safe System Management (Read).
  • Smart Rule Management - Managed System (Read/Write).

Request body

Content-Type: application/json

AccountIDs are deprecated. Use IDs instead.

    IDs : [ int, …],
    Title : string,
    Category : string,
    Description : string,
    RuleType : string

Request body details

  • AccountIDs: (deprecated) A list of managed account IDs to add to the Quick Rule.
  • IDs: (required) A list of IDs to add to the Quick Rule.
  • Title: (required) The title/name of the new Quick Rule. Must be unique across all Quick Rules and all Smart Rules. Max string length is 75.
  • Category: (optional, default: Quick Rules) The category in which to place the Quick Rule. Max string length is 50.
  • Description: (optional, default: <value of Title>) The Quick Rule description.
  • RuleType: (ManagedAccount, ManagedSystem, default: ManagedAccount)

Response body

Content-Type: application/json

    SmartRuleID : int,
    OrganizationID : string, // can be null
    Title : string,
    Description : string,
    Category : string,
    Status : int,
    LastProcessedDate : datetime,
    IsReadOnly : bool,
    RuleType : string

Response codes

201 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

GET QuickRules


Returns a list of Quick Rules to which the current user has at least Read access.

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

        SmartRuleID : int,
        OrganizationID : string, // can be null
        Title : string,
        Description : string,
        Category : string,
        Status : int,
        LastProcessedDate : datetime,
        IsReadOnly : bool,
        RuleType : string

Response codes

200 – Request successful. Quick Rules in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

GET QuickRules/{id}


Returns a Quick Rule by ID.

Required permissions

Read access to the Quick Rule referenced by ID.

URL parameters

id: ID of the Quick Rule.

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

    SmartRuleID : int,
    OrganizationID : string, // can be null
    Title : string,
    Description : string,
    Category : string,
    Status : int,
    LastProcessedDate : datetime,
    IsReadOnly : bool,
    RuleType : string

Response codes

200 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

GET QuickRules?title={title}


Returns a Quick Rule by title.

In a multi-tenant environment, assumes global organization.

Required permissions

Read access to the Quick Rule referenced by title.

Query parameters

title: Title of the Quick Rule.

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

    SmartRuleID : int,
    OrganizationID : string, // can be null
    Title : string,
    Description : string,
    Category : string,
    Status : int,
    LastProcessedDate : datetime,
    IsReadOnly : bool,
    RuleType : string

Response codes

200 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

GET Organizations/{orgID}/QuickRules?title={title}


Returns a Quick Rule by organization ID and title.

Only valid in a mult-tenant environment.

Required permissions

Read access to the Quick Rule referenced by organization and title.

URL parameters

orgID: ID of the organization.

Query parameters

title: Title of the Quick Rule.

Request body


Response body

Content-Type: application/json

    SmartRuleID : int,
    OrganizationID : string, // can be null
    Title : string,
    Description : string,
    Category : string,
    Status : int,
    LastProcessedDate : datetime,
    IsReadOnly : bool,
    RuleType : string

Response codes

200 – Request successful. Quick Rule in the response body.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

DELETE QuickRules/{id}


Deletes a Quick Rule by ID.

Required permissions

Read/Write access to the Quick Rule referenced by ID.

URL parameters

ID: ID of the Quick Rule.

Request body


Response body


Response codes

200 – Request successful.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

DELETE QuickRules?title={title}


Deletes a Quick Rule by title.

In a mult-tenant environment, assumes global organization.

Required permissions

Read/Write access to the Quick Rule referenced by title.

Query parameters

title: Title of the Quick Rule.

Request body


Response body


Response codes

200 – Request successful.

For more information, please see Common response codes.

DELETE Organizations/{orgID}/QuickRules?title={title}


Deletes a Quick Rule by organization ID and title. Only valid in a multi-tenant environment.

Required permissions

Read/Write access to the Quick Rule referenced by organization and title.

URL parameters

orgID: ID of the organization.

Query parameters

title: Title of the Quick Rule.

Request body


Response body


Response codes

200 – Request successful.

For more information, please see Common response codes.