Endpoint automation: run scripts on multiple endpoints without sessions



With endpoint automation, you can remotely execute scripts across any number of endpoints at the same time, without starting any sessions.

The endpoint automation feature is only available to service mode Jump Clients with an active connection on Mac, Windows, or Desktop Linux.

Jobs tab

The jobs tab lets your create a job, and shows a list of previously created jobs. The list can be searched and refreshed, and the list can be modified by selecting visible columns, using the icon at the right edge above the top row.

For more information about a job, click the vertical ellipsis at the right end of the row for that job, then click Details. This view also shows the results of a job. For more details about the results, click the eye icon at the right end of the results row. The results includes any exit codes or error messages, and the last lines of the output log file, which may be useful for diagnosing errors. There is a link to the full output log file. These files are stored for no more than 90 days.

The vertical ellipsis at the right end of the row for a job also has options to duplicate or rerun the job, and cancel the job if is it pending.

Create a job

You can create job with a script, or you can create a script template first and then use it to create jobs.

  1. Click Create job.
  2. Enter a name for the job.
  3. Select the starting date and time. To run a job immediately, select the current date and time.
  4. Enter any notes if you would like to record more information about this job.
  5. Select an existing script template, or complete the following:
    • Select the operating system. Scripts are usually specific to operating systems.
    • Complete the run script command.
    • Enter the script.
  6. Now select your endpoint or endpoints, using the search and filter options. For more information about each option, click the i icon beside it.
  7. From the list of search results, you can select specific Jump Clients to add to the job, or select all search results. You can modify the search criteria to find and add additional Jump Clients. You can also select and clear Jump Clients from the job.
  8. The list of Jump Clients selected for the job appears at the bottom of the screen.
  9. Once the list of Jump Clients for the job is complete, click Run job.
  10. You can immediately view the job in the list of jobs.

Script Templates tab

The script templates tab lets you create a script, and shows a list of previously created script templates. The list can be searched and the list can be modified by selecting visible columns, using the icon at the right edge above the top row. Scripts can also be edited or deleted. Scripts are selected for jobs when creating a job.

Create Script Template

  1. Click Create Script Template
  2. Enter a name and description for the script.
  3. Select the operating system. Scripts are usually specific to operating systems.
  4. Complete the run script command.
  5. Enter the script.
  6. Save the script template.
  7. You can immediately view the script template in the list of templates, and select it when creating a job.