Remote Support 24.1.3 Release Notes

July 25, 2024


  • This version of Remote Support has been certified for physical BeyondTrust appliances, virtual BeyondTrust appliances, and cloud deployment models.
  • Requires software Base 7.1.0 or 7.2.1.
  • Requires Integration Client 1.7.5.
  • Requires ECM 1.6.2.
  • This version includes essential security upgrades to libssh 0.10.6, and OpenSSL 3.0. Operating systems dependent on legacy encryption methods such as SHA-1, TLS 1.1, or TLS 1.0 may not be accessible. Before upgrading, confirm the operating systems of your endpoints are capable of newer encryption methods.
For a list of supported platforms for the latest version of Remote Support, see the Supported Platforms.

Supported Platforms for previous versions of Remote Support can be found in the Remote Support Documentation Archive.

New Features and Enhancements

  • This is a maintenance release. There are no new features.

Issues Resolved

  • HTTP_PROXY preventing site php-fpm from starting.
  • Web console intermittent crashes.
  • Malformed URL for starting a session from MS Teams.
  • Integration Client unable to download some session recordings after 23.3.3 upgrade.
  • Unable to start an ad-hoc session from an installed jump client after ad-hoc client installed, session is elevated, session is closed, and host is rebooted.
  • Restore SHA1 support for legacy systems than cannot use OpenSSH.
  • Release detection in Jenkinsfile.
  • Running SupportTeam report may cause crash.
  • Default Language doesn't save.
  • Enable Automatic Logging of System Information check box is not working in Support Session Logging Options.
  • Internal error adding certificate to cluster LDAP.
  • MacOS Jump Clients may be unable to jump to systems when at login screen.
  • Tool prompting for client sessions started within an RDP session are not sent to the end user.


  • This release is certified for GA.
  • Supports upgrades from 22.3.4 RS+.
  • Supports ECM Protocol 1.6.
  • Includes VSC