Remote Support 24.2.2 Release Notes

July 23, 2024


  • This version of Remote Support has been certified for physical BeyondTrust appliances, virtual BeyondTrust appliances, and cloud deployment models.
  • Requires software Base 7.2.1.
  • Requires Integration Client 1.7.5.
  • Requires ECM 1.6.2.
For a list of supported platforms for the latest version of Remote Support, see the Supported Platforms.

Supported Platforms for previous versions of Remote Support can be found in the Remote Support Documentation Archive.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Endpoint Automation - administrators can run scripts remotely without having to start a session with the endpoint.
  • New Jump Policy option allows requiring Two-Factor Authentication to start a session.
  • Multiple Jump Items can be selected and started together in the Representative Console.
  • Filtered Jump Item views can be saved in the Representative Console.
  • When creating a Jump Policy, Teams can be selected as Jump Approvers.
  • After a site upgrade, Jump Clients that still have not upgraded can be jumped to. A warning message displays for Jump Clients that are pending upgrade.
  • Users can save Default Credentials for Jump Items.
  • Representative Console Jump Item lists and icons have been updated.
  • Users can bypass Two Factor Authentication when logging in with passwordless FIDO2.
  • A SAML test page is available for testing SAML configurations.
  • Administrators can customize the Customer Client window title.
  • Customer Client installers can be downloaded using curl, wget, and btapi.

Issues Resolved

Administrative Interface

  • Resolved an issue with the performance of some Team Activity reports.
  • Configuration API version updated to 1.10.
Support portal
  • Resolved an issue with mapping of Spanish languages in the Public Portal.
  • Resolved an issue with Session Key validation if the Session Key was entered slowly.
  • Resolved an issue with the Generic (token) accounts not showing up in the Bulk Rotation message.
  • Resolved an issue with the expiration time not being displayed when checking out SSH-CA accounts.
  • Vault accounts that are scheduled for rotation can now be checked out as long as they have not been sent to the Jumpoint for rotation.
  • Now setting a timeout for scheduled rotations.
Security providers
  • Removed the check box for Proxy from the appliance through the Connection Agent in Cloud sites.
  • Resolved an issue with adding certificates to Clustered LDAP providers.
  • Resolved an issue with logging in using RADIUS or Kerberos security providers.
  • Resolved an issue with saving Traffic Node names.
Text updates
  • Resolved an issue with the Personal Token Account window title saying Password instead of Token.
  • Added Quiet mode to the help text to the Edit behavior and experience info icon on the Jump Item Role page.
  • Resolved an issue with the error message displaying after hitting the Anonymize button more than once.
  • Added a note about one DNS entry per line to the help icon on the MS Teams configuration page.
  • Updated the More buttons from horizontal to vertical.
  • Resolved an issue with changing the default language for /login not saving properly.
  • Updated the Jump Item Role labels for clarity.
  • The Access Sponsor feature has been deprecated and removed from the product.


Representative console
  • Resolved several intermittent issues with the console crashing if pop-up windows were visible when the Representative Console closes.
  • Resolved an intermittent issue with the console crashing when doing a Local Push and Start session.
  • Resolved an issue with the prompt to remove someone from a session intermittently not displaying the correct name of who is to be removed.
  • Resolved an issue with extra quotation marks located in the URL generated from Microsoft Teams session card
  • Resolved an issue with the Special Action for System Restore not working properly.
  • Resolved an issue with the MS Teams icon not displaying correctly.
  • Resolved an issue with the BT Command Shell Display setting not saving correctly.
  • Now allowing older key-exchange algorithms to be used when connecting to systems via Shell Jump or BYOT SSH.
  • Added a download button for SSH-CA account checkouts.
  • Resolved an issue with Support Tool Prompting not working correctly within RDP sessions.
  • Displays a wait message instead of No Jump Items found during the search for external Jump Items
  • New overlays for Android TV sessions.
  • Now clearing the remote clipboard when the local clipboard is cleared.
Customer client
  • Resolved an issue with Customer Client chat not disabling correctly in the Session queue.
Web representative console
  • Resolved an issue with saving a screen shot to file not appending the .png file extension to the end of the file name.
  • Resolved an issue with the focus not being set correctly after editing some Jump Items.
  • Now removing spaces at the beginning and end of Jump Item names when they are saved after an edit or creation.
  • Resolved an issue with the focus not being set correctly after editing some Jump Items.
  • Resolved an issue with search not working properly when non-English character were used.
  • Resolved an issue with Click-To-Chat sessions showing the Terms and Conditions in English instead of the language selected to start the session.
Jump Client
  • Resolved an issue with Headless Jump Clients on some Arm devices not upgrading properly.
  • Resolved an issue with the cached Customer Client not downloading properly and causing attempts to Jump to that Jump Client to fail.
  • Resolved an issue with Jumpoints randomly restarting in certain situations.
  • Clustered Jumpoints can now use the same installer to install multiple nodes.
Shell Jump
  • Resolved several issues with Shell Jump sessions not working as expected until the directory had been refreshed.
  • Resolved an issue with the Post-Session landing page not showing on Macs running macOS 13 with Intel processors.
  • Resolved an issue with deploying Support Buttons from Jump Clients on macOS.
  • Resolved an issue with the some icons not displaying correctly in the console when in Dark Mode on Macs.
  • Support for the Mac TouchBar has been removed.
  • Now writing the Systemd Service Information to a file for Linux Jump Clients and Linux Jumpoints.
  • Resolved an issue with installing Jump Clients on Ubuntu 24.04.


  • This release is certified for GA.
  • Supports upgrades from 22.3.4 RS+.
  • Supports ECM Protocol 1.6.
  • Includes VSC