API command: get_support_teams

The get_support_teams request returns XML data containing all configured support teams and all the issues configured for each team.

The command API is an authenticated API. For instructions on using authenticated APIs using OAuth, see Authenticate to the Remote Support API. The API account must have read-only or full access to the command API.

Optional parameter for get_support_teams

showmembers=1 Causes the output to also list all the representatives who are members of each team. Depending on team configuration, showing all members could add a significant amount of data to the output and should be used sparingly.

XML response for get_support_teams query

<support_teams> Contains a <support_team> element for each support team. If no support teams have been created, this element will contain no <support_team> elements. If an error occurs, it will contain an <error> element describing the problem.

Element names and attributes

id (attribute) Unique ID assigned to the support team.
<name> The name of the support team.
<issues> Contains an <issue> element for each issue associated with this support team, as described below. If no issues have been configured for this team, the <issue> element will be blank.
<support_session_count> The number of sessions waiting in this team queue.
<members> Displayed only if the showmembers parameter has been included in the request. Contains a <representative> element for each member of this team. If no representatives have been assigned to this team, the <members> element will be blank.
id (attribute) Unique ID assigned to this issue.
<title> The title of the issue.
id (attribute) Unique ID assigned to the representative.
<username> The username assigned to the representative.
<display_name> This element is deprecated as of API version 1.10.0 but still exists for backwards compatibility. Its value is the same as that of <public_display_name>.
<public_display_name> The public display name currently assigned to the representative.
<private_display_name> The private display name currently assigned to the representative.

Query examples: get_support_teams

Show names and issues


Show names, issues, and members



If you experience a high volume of support requests, repeatedly calling a command such as get_logged_in_reps or get_support_teams might bottleneck your system. Therefore, a best practice is to not request a list of representatives or teams with each support request. Instead, if making the same API call in succession, consider caching the results for a period of time and reusing them. New sessions requests should reference the cached list instead of calling for the list each time.