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Active Directory (AD) Bridge centralise l’authentification pour les environnements Unix et Linux en étendant l’authentification Kerberos et l’authentification unique de Microsoft AD tout en réduisant les risques et la complexité. Les utilisateurs se servent d’AD Bridge pour appliquer facilement des politiques cohérentes entre Windows, Unix et Linux, et simplifier les contrôles de sécurité Zero Trust dans leur environnement.

  • Gestion unifiée des identités
  • Audit et conformité
  • Sécurité Unix / Linux améliorée
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BeyondTrust Active Directory Enterprise solution connects Linux and Unix systems to Microsoft Active Directory so you can centrally manage all your computers and users from a single identity management system.

No, the existing infrastructure for AD Bridge 22.3 and later versions provides native support for Azure Active Directory.

Yes, AD Bridge offers cross-platform compatibility, working with a variety of Unix and Linux distributions.

AD Bridge assists with compliance by providing robust auditing capabilities, and centralized management of group policies across windows and non-windows systems. These features help ensure adherence to regulatory requirements, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and SOX.

AD Bridge is designed to scale efficiently, handling environments ranging from a few systems to thousands. Its architecture ensures that it can accommodate the growth of your organization without compromising performance or security.

Yes, you can typically try AD Bridge before purchasing by contacting us to request a free trial.

The pricing structure for AD Bridge can vary depending on the size of your organization, the number of managed systems (servers/workstations), and your specific needs. To get an accurate quote for your organization, please contact us.

BeyondTrust provides comprehensive support for their solutions, including comprehensive documentation, training, and technical assistance. More details can be found here:

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