At BeyondTrust, we believe that customers and individuals deserve transparency on how and when governments and law enforcement authorities may access their information.

On this page, you can find our:

Government & Law Enforcement Access Request Policy: This describes our policy on handling access requests relating to our customers’ personal data.

Transparency Report: This describes the number and type of requests we have received to access such data as at the date of the last update of this page.

Where BeyondTrust receives a legally binding order or request (a “Request”) for personal data from a competent government body or law enforcement authority (each a “Third-Party”), BeyondTrust will:

  • Attempt to redirect the relevant authority to request that data directly from Customer. As part of this effort, BeyondTrust may provide Customer’s basic contact information to the Third-Party;
  • Promptly notify Customer of the Request and use reasonable efforts to assist the Customer to oppose the Request, unless BeyondTrust is legally prohibited from doing so;
  • Where BeyondTrust is prohibited from notifying Customer of the existence of the Request, it shall use reasonable efforts to challenge it and use all lawful efforts to obtain the right to waive the prohibition in order to communicate as much information to the Customer; and
  • Use its reasonable lawful efforts to challenge any overbroad or inappropriate Request, including where there is a conflict with the laws of the European Union or applicable Member State law.

Where BeyondTrust remains compelled to disclose personal data to a Third-Party, it shall disclose only the minimum amount of Personal Data necessary to satisfy the Request, based on BeyondTrust’s reasonable interpretation of it.

BeyondTrust shall regularly review, assess and monitor the scope of disclosures of personal data in response to Third-Party orders it receives, as well as the safeguards and recourse in place to protect data subjects.

BeyondTrust shall promptly inform the Customer if it becomes aware of a change in applicable laws that would materially impact such access by authorities or recourse available to data subjects.

As of the date of this Report, BeyondTrust has not received or been notified of any government or law enforcement request for user information pursuant to the national security laws of the United States or any other country in connection with Customer personal data.

The Transparency Report below provides individuals and customers, insofar as allowed by applicable law, with details about the government and law enforcement requests we handled during the period relating to this Report.

Country Government Agency Number of Requests Challenged Answered Affected Accounts Type of Data
N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0

For more information on how we process and protect personal data visit our Privacy Notice and Trust Center pages.

If you have questions regarding your data, contact us at

You can also find our company contacts here.

Last Update: April 2024

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