Zero Trust Security Across Windows & Mac
Remove local admin rights and enforce true least privilege across Windows and macOS desktops and servers.
Attack Surface Reduction
Reduce your cyberattack surface and protect against malware, ransomware, and identity-based attacks.
Audit & Compliance Assurance
Address compliance and cyber insurance requirements quickly, with a single, unimpeachable audit trail of all privileged actions.

BeyondTrust provides a powerful platform that allows us to streamline and standardize application control and privileged management across our entire organization. Our people are smarter and better protected, and that's great news for our business.

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Protect against lateral movement, ransomware, and more without sacrificing productivity

Endpoint Privilege Management
Remove local admin rights fast, improve the end-user and admin experience, and greatly reduce IT service desk tickets.
True Least Privilege
Give just enough access, at just the right time, to only the appropriate application or process, so users never have access to risky privileges.
Application Control
Gain control over what users can install or run — without impacting productivity or creating management overhead.
Fileless Threat Protection
Stop malware, ransomware, and identity-based attacks — as well as fileless threats — with built-in, context-based security controls.
Reporting & Visibility
Monitor user activity through customizable dashboards and reports; seamlessly update policy based on user activity to continuously bolster your security posture.
Rapid Deployment
Use pre-built QuickStart policies informed by insights from thousands of deployments to scale least privilege fast and make rapid leaps in risk reduction.
Protection for Windows & macOS
Provide the same seamless admin and end-user experience across your Windows and macOS endpoint and server environments.
Flexible End-User Experience
Craft a tailored end-user experience for smooth adoption, reducing confusion with features like seamless elevation, ServiceNow and MFA integration, and custom branding.

Register to Watch a Demo

Learn how to quickly and efficiently eliminate unnecessary privileges and enforce least privilege across macOS, Windows, and Linux — while maintaining user productivity. 

  • Enforce least privilege across macOS, Windows, and Linux environments 
  • Protect endpoints with advanced application control 
  • Review user behavior and session analytics 
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