Enforce accountability by recording privileged sessions in real time via a proxy session monitoring service for SSH and RDP, and leverage real-time activity alerting to improve security monitoring by allowing user activity to generate real-time email alerts, block commands, and lock and terminate SSH sessions.

Control access by requesting RDP/SSH access to authorized systems only. Utilize automated ‘log off on disconnect’ feature to ensure sensitive data is not exposed in subsequent RDP sessions.

Leverage flexible execution to start sessions instantly, or via workflow. Enable true dual control to view any active privileged session, and if required, pause or terminate the session. Use command blacklisting to define keyword groups that can determine a specific course of action (ie. block command, lock session, block and lock session, or terminate session).

With Password Safe, administrators can adopt a client-less solution with no agents required on the server.

Gain full video recording with 100% accountability, and build reports for usage, audit, forensics, and regulatory compliance purposes. Every click within the Windows interface, along with any keystrokes, is audited and recorded in a searchable session replay index. Use keystroke indexing and full text search to pinpoint data, access and watch a session, and then log an acknowledgement of the review to meet audit compliance requirements.

Leverage commonly used tools, such as PuTTY and Microsoft Terminal Services Client (MSTSC), to achieve your compliance and security requirements.

Integrate with SailPoint Predictive Identity Platform (IdentityIQ & IdentityNow) to manage access for privileged and non-privileged accounts.

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