Chat support software can be a powerful tool for offering efficient help from your website or for facilitating staff communication. If you're using chat for tech support, though, deploying it as a stand-alone application may not return the value you expect. If there is no clear escalation path from chat support to remote support, users will be forced to pick up the phone to resolve complex issues, negating the benefits.

That’s why BeyondTrust includes secure chat in our core product. Remote Support offers a simple path to a support session with full remote control in the event it becomes necessary.

Want to offer chat support from your website? It's easy. With BeyondTrust's Click-to-Chat, you can integrate HTML5 based chat with your website, knowledgebase or support portal, allowing users to begin a conversation with your help desk instantly from the web.

BeyondTrust’s no-download, HTML5-based customer chat client runs in a browser, enabling the rep to give the user directions or transfer the user to the appropriate queue before any software is installed. If you find a screen sharing session is needed, you can escalate to remote control without ever losing contact with the end user. At the end of the session, you can redirect customers to a webpage with a survey and give them links to download the session recording and the chat transcript for their records.

BeyondTrust includes a white label website chat capability. Brand the chat window with your logo. Embed a chat link on your website. And let technicians chat with remote customers throughout the support session, even before screen sharing begins. BeyondTrust records timestamped messages and a running log of everything that happens throughout the session, including files transferred and permissions granted.

Using chat as a support channel can reduce incident handling times and improve customer satisfaction. BeyondTrust chat support has all you need to offer chat as a full-featured support channel--even escalation to full remote control.

Make chat support even more efficient by using Canned Messages for common responses. Support reps simply select a canned message from a dropdown and insert it into the chat.

BeyondTrust chat includes more than mere messaging back and forth.

  • Send Files: Send a screenshot, document or other file through the chat interface.
  • Nudge: Need to get the end user’s attention? Send a jiggle and audio alert to the customer client.
  • Push URLs: Use URL push to load a webpage on the remote browser.

Chat with end-users during training sessions. If a support rep selects "Show My Screen" during a support session, chat remains integrated. End-users can also chat with support reps and other attendees throughout group training sessions.

BeyondTrust chat also facilitates team communication. Support reps can chat with other logged-in representatives or teams. If multiple representatives are sharing a support session, reps can choose to chat with all participants or to select one name – customer or representative – for a private chat.

Most of the chat support software available on the market lets you offer help from your website...but the customer service stops there. If a website visitor needs deeper support, you have to open a separate remote control application.

BeyondTrust is different. Because BeyondTrust is a complete remote support solution, you can easily move from chat support to screen sharing and remote control. After the support session, BeyondTrust can append the chat transcript and details from the remote support session to the customer's ticket. BeyondTrust gives both you and your customer a seamless support experience.

Your customers aren't just working on desktop operating systems. You also need to offer chat support to customers on mobile devices. With BeyondTrust, you can offer chat support to customers on Android and Apple iOS devices--without requiring them to download and install a mobile app.

BeyondTrust's web-based click-to-chat relies on HTML5 technology, which is supported by Android and iOS. Click-to-chat for mobile reduces the support time for mobile customers and provides a clean, simple experience.

Of course, you can always chat with customers through the full customer client, which runs on every platform BeyondTrust supports.

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