Support Servers and Unattended Remote Desktops

Not every support scenario has an end-user present at the remote computer.

BeyondTrust Remote Support includes Jump Technology, a patented feature that grants access to unattended remote computers and networks. With a per-concurrent-technician licensing model makes it a cost-effective way to reach every device managed by the service desk.

Access Remote Computers with Jump Clients

As the central feature of BeyondTrust's patented Jump Technology, Jump Clients allow the control of remote computers whenever they're connected to the internet. This makes them ideal for initiating remote access, even when you don’t control the remote network.

By installing a Jump Client on each system you need to access, and you’ll be able to control it wherever it goes.

Technicians can then access remote computers—without requiring the person on the other end of the connection to be technical.

Jump Clients provide unattended access to Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux computers, regardless of network location.

Access Remote Networks with Jumpoints

Jumpoints act as a conduit for unattended access to computers on a known remote network. A single Jumpoint installed on a computer within a LAN is used to access multiple systems, eliminating the need to pre-install software on every computer you might need to access.

Within a LAN, the BeyondTrust user's computer can initiate a session to a Windows system directly without using a Jumpoint, if appropriate user permissions are enabled. This is called a Local Jump. Jumpoints are only needed for a Remote Jump (when the BeyondTrust user's computer cannot access the target computer directly).

A Jumpoint acts as a conduit for unattended access to computers on a known remote network.

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