Screen share with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices to resolve issues.

When supporting iOS devices, you can use iOS screen sharing*, chat support, co-browsing, file transfer, and image sharing.

You can also offer remote support from iOS devices. See the screen, control the remote computer, chat, view multiple monitors, and more, all from your iPad or iPhone.

*Screen sharing with iPhone, iPad, and iPod is available with iOS 11 and BeyondTrust iOS Customer Client 2.2.8. To learn how customers can broadcast their iOS screen for screen sharing, see Screen Share with the iOS Device.

With BeyondTrust, support representatives can control remote desktops, servers and laptops from an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.

The iOS Representative Console includes a toolkit similar to the desktop version of BeyondTrust.

Not only are screen sharing and remote control available to technicians on Apple iOS devices, but a number of other BeyondTrust features, too.

For example, iOS Touch ID, 3D Touch for iPhone 6/6+, BeyondTrust Buttons, Chat Support, Jump Clients, Multi-Monitor Support, Multi-Session Support, SAML Single Sign-On configuration, and Special Actions are all available to reps on iOS devices. The iOS rep console also supports password managers, so reps can login even faster.

Team managers and leads can use the iPad Dashboard to monitor remote support sessions live. View the chat interactions and changes to the remote desktop as they occur.

Even if a team member has no active support sessions, a lead or manager on an iPad can monitor the remote desktop of the team member while he or she is logged into the rep console.

An icon appears on the remote desktop alerting the technician that monitoring is taking place. And all monitoring activity is logged for reporting purposes.

Dashboard monitoring is a great accountability tool for reps located at remote locations or home offices.

3D Touch will make you more efficient when doing remote support from you iPhone. With 3D Touch for iPhone 6S/6S+, you can

  • Start remote support sessions faster by generating a session key or jumping to a remote desktop
  • Troubleshoot multiple remote PCs easier by using peek/pop capability
  • Work faster once connected by pressing for right-click behavior

For improved security, a support rep on an iPad or iPhone can take advantage of Apple Touch ID when logging into the iOS Rep Console.

Once Touch ID is enabled, the support rep can authenticate to the iOS Rep Console using his or her fingerprint.

Touch ID adds another layer of security to BeyondTrust's Rep Console for iOS. If the phone is lost or stolen, Touch ID prevents access to the iOS Rep Console.

BeyondTrust also provides a portal for distribution of Apple iOS configuration profiles.

Apple iOS configuration profiles are XML files that quickly load settings and authorization information onto an iOS device. Configuration profiles might contain security policies, Wi-Fi settings, VPN configuration information, authentication credentials, Exchange account settings, email and calendar accounts, or certificates that permit iOS devices to work with a variety of systems.

These profiles can be installed on iOS devices to efficiently load settings, implement security policies, and so forth.

Profiles are maintained through the administrative interface and can be either public, available to anyone who can access the support portal, or private, requiring an access key provided by a privileged representative.

Android Apple iPhone Apple iPad
Representative Console Yes Yes Yes
Remote Control Yes*
Screen Sharing Yes Yes** Yes**
Remote Access 24/7 Yes
Insight Camera Sharing Yes Yes Yes
Chat Support Yes Yes Yes
System Info Yes Yes Yes
File Transfer Yes Yes Yes
Screen Capture Yes Yes Yes
App Deployment Yes*** Yes***
Mobile App SDK**** Yes Yes Yes
  1. *Available for Samsung, HTC, and DELL devices. Select carriers and device manufacturers may obtain access upon request. **For iOS 11+. See Screen Sharing with iOS Devices. With iOS 8-10 devices, iOS screen sharing requires device tethering. ***iOS App deployment requires Apple iOS Enterprise App Store. ****See Embedded Remote App Support to learn more.

Technician System

  • Apple iOS 7.0+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)

For more information about offering remote support from Apple iOS devices, view:

Customer System

  • Apple iOS 7.0+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)

For more information about supporting Apple iOS devices, view the Guide to Supporting Apple iOS Devices with BeyondTrust.

BeyondTrust on the App Store

To support a customer on an Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, have your customer download and install the BeyondTrust iOS Customer Client app from the Apple App Store. App Store is a pre-installed app on iOS devices.

All the remote support capabilities for iPad/iPhone shown here are included as core components of BeyondTrust Remote Support. There are no additional charges or licensing fees for supporting mobile devices.

With BeyondTrust Remote Support, you can offer remote assistance to users on Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, or iOS devies. We include all platforms because part of our vision is to help you consolidate remote support. We address with one secure, appliance-based solution what many vendors attempt to address with ten or more tools.

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Prefers reduced motion setting detected. Animations will now be reduced as a result.