Company Snapshot

Pink Elephant, a Managed Services Provider in The Netherlands, provides outsourcing and professional consultation services to the corporate market with a focus in healthcare and logistics.

Marc Gobes, Vendor Manager, and Arnold van Mameren, Director of IT Services, work with the team of 120 engineers in the IT Services division to provide services to all of Pink Elephant's clients.

Use Case

Before Pink Elephant switched to Bomgar, their 100+ engineers were bogged down by manual password tracking, which also left security gaps. The way they accessed client systems was inefficient and required extensive lists of privileged credentials, which also had to be changed regularly. The process was extremely manual and cumbersome.

How We Chose Bomgar

Manually keeping track of credentials for 120 engineers that serviced many different accounts meant wasted time and security gaps. After implementing a trial of the Bomgar Privileged Access Management solution, the very positive response from the engineers became a deciding factor for Pink Elephant's purchase decision. With Bomgar, privileged access management is fully automated using a single solution, and is efficient and secure.

"Bomgar fully automates our password rotation so the engineers don't have to worry about any password changes and also don't have unnecessary knowledge of privileged passwords."

Marc Gobes, Vendor Manager

Our Bomgar Product

Rick Kramer and William Doorneweerd, both Sr. Systems Engineers, work day-to-day with the Bomgar Privileged Access solution, which enables the team of engineers the to securely and efficiently access servers without risking privileged credentials. Critical features for Pink Elephant include:

Our Success and Future Plans

"Our customers are pleased to see we now have a single solution for accessing all of our customer using Bomgar Privileged Access, and they are happy to see that we enable our customers to on-board their vendors so they have access logging and video recordings for their vendors." - Rick Kramer, Sr. Solutions Engineer

From a manual process where engineers were risking the security of their customers by memorizing access credentials, to an automated and secure solution with Bomgar Privileged Management, all the burden of efficiency and security for the customer is taken off of Pink Elephant and the engineers can concentrate on providing great service to the client.

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