With the exponential growth of connected devices, many organizations are offering chat to better serve their customers. Integrating live chat support with your service desk benefits your business in ways that phone or email support cannot match. These traditional support channels cannot scale beyond 1:1 interaction. Chat support increases capacity in your service desk, as technicians can work multiple support issues at one time.

What if complex issues arise? If chat is implemented as a standalone solution, customers may have to transfer to phone support when escalation is required - resulting in a disjointed customer experience. But if the chat transitions directly into a screen-sharing session, the support agent can instantly see and resolve the issue while maintaining a seamless conversation.

With BeyondTrust Remote Support, the integrated Live Chat capability enables you to securely chat through your website or mobile app and seamlessly elevate from chat to screen sharing or full remote control for a complete support experience.

Learn about Live Chat integration and BYOC (bring your own chatbot), and more with BeyondTrust Remote Support. Download now.

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