The term Zero Trust has been used as a buzzword in the IT industry, but it continues to be considerably vague when it comes to adoption strategies.

With the change in the traditional workplace, where the industry witnessed an explosion of remote staff and essential third-party remote connections (e.g. supply chain, IT support), deploying the Zero Trust fundamentals by limiting privileges has become more critical than ever.

99% of IT leaders say Zero Trust access is important to their organisation’s cybersecurity strategy.

To find out the state of Zero Trust in a perimeter-less digital world, BeyondTrust partnered with iTNews Asia to survey 102 IT and business leaders across Asia on their experiences with cyber security and their preparedness to mitigate the challenges.

1 in 3 leaders see reducing endpoint security threats as a key driver to initiate or augment identity and access management within a Zero Trust framework.

Download this infographic to learn how IT executives across Asia view Zero Trust and learn how they are making their way on the journey.

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