858 Microsoft vulnerabilities were disclosed last year - a record high. According to the 2020 Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report, 77% of the Critical vulnerabilities could have been mitigated if one simple step had been taken – remove unmanaged admin rights. In fact, most traditional malware can be mitigated by implementing a least-privilege approach.

Join one of the world’s leading professionals in the Windows OS and Security, Sami Laiho, Microsoft MVP and Ethical Hacker, on this insightful webinar as he explores how least privilege, whitelisting, MFA and employee education are the keys to enhancing your organization’s security.

You will also discover:

  • Highlights from this year’s Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report
  • Why the main entry points for malware are Browsers and Office products, and how the majority of these threats can easily be prevented
  • How least privilege can help keep you secure in a world without patching (we’re looking at you Windows 7!)
  • Why implementing least privilege is actually much easier than widely perceived, with fast, out-of-the-box deployments and frictionless end-user experiences
  • Technology Demonstration: Key features of Endpoint Privilege Management for application control and much more
Photograph of Sami Laiho

Sami Laiho, Windows OS & Security Expert, Senior Technical Fellow

Sami Laiho is one of the world’s leading professionals in the Windows OS and Security. Sami has been working with and teaching OS troubleshooting, management, and security since 1996.

In 2019 Sami was chosen by TiVi-magazine as one of the top 100 influencers in IT in Finland. He is the 11th most followed person in his field in Finland.

At Ignite 2018, Sami’s “Behind the Scenes: How to build a conference winning session” and “Sami Laiho: 45 Life Hacks of Windows OS in 45 minutes” sessions were ranked as #1 and #2 out of 1708 sessions!! This was the first time in the history of the conference that anyone has been able to do this.

Before that, at Ignite 2017, the world’s biggest Microsoft event, Sami was evaluated as the Best External Speaker! Also, Sami’s sessions were evaluated as the Best session in TechEd North America, Europe and Australia in 2014, and Nordic Infrastructure Conference in 2016, 2017 and 2019.

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