Tips to Enable Your Virtual Team & Transition Your Workforce

With the recent transition to remote work, IT leaders are struggling to keep their team's heads above water, while providing the right tools to keep the workforce productive. The key to going beyond treading water is employing self-service, real-time collaboration and automation. When done right, not only does IT gain huge efficiency, but your users will be much more productive and engaged too.

Join this virtual panel with thought leaders from Cherwell, BeyondTrust, ComAround, and PagerDuty as we discuss the current state of business, where we’re headed and tips to keep IT efficient and employees productive, including:

* Examples of our customers being innovative and agile during a major disruptive event
* What processes you should automate first for immediate impact
* Enabling employees to be their own problem-solvers (self-service)
* Utilizing real-time collaboration to reduce mean time to respond and resolve incidents and keep employees connected and engaged
* The right approach to serving remote employees

Moderator: Phil Bowermaster, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Cherwell Software
Panelists: Tal Guest, Director of Product Management, BeyondTrust, Bill Pollie, Executive Vice President, ComAround, and Andrew Marshall, Director of Product Marketing, Partner Ecosystem, PagerDuty

Watch the Webinar

Photograph of Tal Guest

Tal Guest, Senior Director of Product Management

Tal Guest is a Director of Product Management with over 20 years of industry experience. He directs a group of product managers, responsible for expanding privileged access management core capabilities in the areas of remote access and the service desk. Tal also helps establish long-term business strategies based on current/future market conditions and problems faced in the privileged access management area of cybersecurity.

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