Secrets and sensitive data are a given in the development world. You can’t write a secure app without taking into account how to gather and validate passwords or prevent unauthorized access. While DevOps has streamlined release cycles, there is a tendency for security to be shortchanged in the process. Critical API access tokens, credentials, and cryptographic keys are often inadequately protected and even exposed in code.

Enter secrets management and privileged access management (PAM).

In this upcoming webinar, join Cybersecurity CTO and security architect, Diana Kelley, who will cover common security mistakes present in deployed DevOps applications and detail how to prevent them by using security hygiene in the DevSecOps lifecycle, proper management of secrets, and implementation of privileged access.

Diana will also touch on the following challenges (as well as solutions for them):

Photograph of Diana Kelley

Diana Kelley, CSO2 (Chief Strategy Officer/Chief Security Officer) and co-founder of Cybrize, Executive Mentor, Research Analyst, Security Keynote Speaker

Diana Kelley is the CSO2 (Chief Strategy Officer/Chief Security Officer) and co-founder of Cybrize. She also serves on the boards of Cyber Future Foundation, WiCyS, and The Executive Women’s Forum (EWF). Diana was Cybersecurity Field CTO for Microsoft, Global Executive Security Advisor at IBM Security, GM at Symantec, VP at Burton Group (now Gartner), a Manager at KPMG, CTO and co-founder of SecurityCurve, and Chief vCISO at SaltCybersecurity.

Her extensive volunteer work has included serving on the ACM Ethics & Plagiarism Committee, Cybersecurity Committee Advisor at CompTIA, CTO and Board Member at Sightline Security, Advisory Board Chair at WOPLLI Technologies, Advisory Council member Bartlett College of Science and Mathematics, Bridgewater State University, and RSAC US Program Committee.

She is a sought-after keynote speaker, the host of BrightTALK’s The (Security) Balancing Act, co-author of the books Practical Cybersecurity Architecture and Cryptographic Libraries for Developers, has been a lecturer at Boston College's Masters program in cybersecurity, the EWF 2020 Executive of the Year and EWF Conference Chair 2021 and 2022, an SCMedia Power Player, and one of Cybersecurity Ventures 100 Fascinating Females Fighting Cybercrime.

Photograph of Jason Jones

Jason Jones, Director, Product Management

Jason has been building business applications and software products going on 15 years. With a background in Development, QA, Product Management, and wearing as many hats as possible at a medical startup, he has extensive experience with the entire product lifecycle. Jason has been working on BeyondTrust products for the past 10 years and has a primary focus on our Privileged Password and Session Management solutions.

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