Featuring guest speaker, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft MVP, & CEO of Conversational Geek, Nick Cavalancia

The latest cyberthreat data tells us that lateral movement is a pivotal aspect of attacks involving data theft, island hopping, fraud, and more. And cybercriminals are accomplishing lateral movement faster than ever. So, how do the bad guys do it, and what can you do about it?

In this educational webcast, join Microsoft MVP and cybersecurity expert Nick Cavalancia as he discusses:

Photograph of Nick Cavalancia

Nick Cavalancia, Founder/Chief, Techvangelism

Nick Cavalancia has over 20 years of enterprise IT experience, 10 years as a tech marketing executive and is an accomplished technology writer, consultant, trainer, speaker, and columnist.

Nick has attained industry certifications including MCNE, MCNI, MCSE and MCT and was once accused at TechEd of "not having enough digits" in his MCP number (which only has 5). He has authored, co-authored and contributed to over a dozen books on Windows, Active Directory, Exchange and other Microsoft technologies and has spoken at many technical conferences on a wide variety of topics.

Previously, Nick has held executive marketing positions at ScriptLogic (acquired by Quest, now DELL Software), SpectorSoft and Netwrix where he was responsible for the global messaging, branding, lead generation and demand generation strategies to market technology solutions to an IT-centric customer base.

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