According to ESG research, 62% of organizations were poised to increase cybersecurity spending in 2020. 32% of survey respondents said they would invest in cybersecurity technologies using AI/ML for threat detection, followed by data security (31%), network security (30%) and cloud application security (27%). Of course, that was back in those halcyon days before COVID-19. Have things changed? Yes, and seemingly overnight. Like society at large, the cybersecurity world's priorities, strategies and tasks have been turned upside down. So, where does that leave us now?

Join Jon Oltsik, CSO and Principal Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), for this 1-hour live webinar session where he’ll discuss his direct research with CISOs and highlight 3 substantive ways COVID-19 has changed CISO priorities. Attendees can also expect to learn:

  1. The top actions to take now to secure the remote workforce as it relates to endpoint and network security, remote access, MFA, etc.
  2. Key lessons from some CISOs on how they avoided problem areas and accelerated ROI on security actions
  3. Advice for planning out the rest of your 2020 security and IT initiatives

Photograph of Jon Oltsik

Jon Oltsik, CSO and Principal Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG)

Jon Oltsik is an ESG senior principal analyst, an ESG fellow, and the founder of the firm’s cybersecurity service. With over 30 years of technology industry experience, Jon is widely recognized as an expert in all aspects of cybersecurity and is often called upon to help customers understand a CISO's perspective and strategies.

Photograph of Morey J. Haber

Morey J. Haber, Chief Security Advisor

Morey J. Haber is the Chief Security Advisor at BeyondTrust. As the Chief Security Advisor, Morey is the lead identity and technical evangelist at BeyondTrust. He has more than 25 years of IT industry experience and has authored four books: Privileged Attack Vectors, Asset Attack Vectors, Identity Attack Vectors, and Cloud Attack Vectors. Morey has previously served as BeyondTrust’s Chief Security Officer, Chief Technology, and Vice President of Product Management during his nearly 12-year tenure. In 2020, Morey was elected to the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA) Executive Advisory Board, assisting the corporate community with identity security best practices. He originally joined BeyondTrust in 2012 as a part of the acquisition of eEye Digital Security, where he served as a Product Owner and Solutions Engineer, since 2004. Prior to eEye, he was Beta Development Manager for Computer Associates, Inc. He began his career as Reliability and Maintainability Engineer for a government contractor building flight and training simulators. Morey earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

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