Thousands of organizations worldwide rely on ServiceNow solutions for service management across IT, human resources, facilities, field service, and other disciplines. ServiceNow integrates with BeyondTrust to reduce cyber risks and increase productivity enterprise-wide. The BeyondTrust Secure Remote Access integration with ServiceNow is the #1 choice for service desks looking to drive efficiencies, enable secure remote support and vendor access, all with granular levels of permissions and a complete audit trail. Ready to learn more about the integration? Join BeyondTrust Product Manager, Chris Herrin and Director of Solutions Engineering, Bryan Hood, in this exclusive customer webinar where they’ll show you first-hand how to:

+ Live Q&A with our product managers!

Photograph of Chris Herrin

Chris Herrin, Senior Product Manager at BeyondTrust

Chris Herrin is the Senior Product Manager for Privileged Remote Access and all third-party integrations for the BeyondTrust portfolio. He has been with BeyondTrust (Bomgar) for the last five years, beginning his career on the Sales Development and Solutions Engineering teams. Chris is an active Georgia Bulldogs fan, and has to mention his corgis in every presentation he is a part of.

Photograph of Bryan Hood

Bryan Hood, Director of Solutions Engineering

As Director of Solutions Engineering at BeyondTrust, Bryan and his team work closely with both prospects and customers to evaluate their needs for securing access to users and business critical systems, while still enhancing IT productivity. He consistently speaks about benefits of securing remote access and privileged access for numerous trade shows and while visiting clients. Prior to joining BeyondTrust, Bryan worked as a Senior System Engineers and Messaging Architect for several large corporations, and also worked as a contractor to the Department of Defense in these roles. With more than 20 years of experience, he helps drive efficiency, productivity, and security through assisting with installation and helping clients maximize on their BeyondTrust investment.

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