In this on-demand webinar, you will get a full look at our latest (and significant!) Remote Support 21.1 Release! These exciting new features and enhancements empower the IT Service Desk to work more efficiently, solve incidents faster, and increase end-user satisfaction all while maintaining the highest standards of security.

Some key Remote Support 21.1 features that will be covered during this webinar include:

1. Jump Client Discovery & Rotation

Jump Clients can now perform discovery and rotation of local credentials (Windows only). This new functionality allows administrators to manage machines individually and set who has access to those machines, without the need to set up a local or shared account on the remote system. This feature complements the use of Jump Points in the network for domain-based rotation, while also allowing for more granular control over smaller groups of machines.

2. Raspberry Pi OS Support

BeyondTrust Jump Client Technology has added headless support for the Raspberry Pi OS. Raspberry Pi is a series of single board computers used to perform many different functions. Raspberry Pi support enables privileged users to connect to more types of unattended systems to perform administrative actions and to secure who has access to manage these devices.

3. Zebra Device Support

Zebra devices are constantly on the move, or situated in remote locations, but are critical to empowering employee productivity. The process of supporting these devices—ensuring proper configurations, and effectiveness—has traditionally been time-consuming for help desks, as well as expensive and error-prone. BeyondTrust’s integration with Zebra Technologies gives IT service desk reps the power to access (either attended or unattended), troubleshot, and support Zebra devices to help minimize any potential down time.

Additional Enhancements like:

Live Q & A with our Product Manager, Duane Simms, was hosted after the presentation!

Photograph of Duane Simms

Duane Simms, Senior Product Manager

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