Malware continues to threaten businesses and public institutions around the world. There is often struggle to strike the right balance between enabling users to be productive whilst protecting sensitive systems against devastating threats like Ransomware. Removing privileges across your desktop environment can over-restrict users leading to poor adoption and an increase in support costs. But implementing a strategy of least privilege doesn’t have to be hard.

Join the BeyondTrust team for your guide on how our Privilege Management solution can quickly enforce least privilege across Windows and Mac devices, allowing you to eliminate unnecessary privileges and protect systems, without impacting the performance and productivity of your users. On this webinar you will:

  • Understand the challenges and barriers to implementing least privilege on desktop devices
  • Hear how BeyondTrust’s revolutionary approach removes admin rights overnight, elevates privileges to known applications and provides application controls
  • Identify the key features of BeyondTrust’s Privilege Management solution to enable you to quickly secure your desktop environment without impacting productivity

You will also have the opportunity to question the BeyondTrust team in a Q&A session.

Photograph of Ian Pitfield

Ian Pitfield, Sr Solutions Engineer

With more than eleven years’ experience of international consultancy and training delivery, Ian has worked with Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 organisations, helping them to achieve compliance and regulatory pressures via user friendly security protocols. He has over ten years’ experience with Endpoint Privilege Management solutions and helped hundreds of organisations to enable least privilege across their user base. His specialist sectors include Finance and Consultancy, Defense, Pharmaceutical, Public Sector and Commercial markets.

Photograph of Layale Hachem

Layale Hachem, Solutions Engineer

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