Every organization is actively seeking answers to “what is the new normal”? How do we plan for an unknown future?

Whether disruption is due to competition or volatile market conditions, businesses can adapt much more quickly when they know their systems and infrastructure are both agile and secure. Social distancing measures have been an in important factor in minimizing virus transmission, but it has imposed abrupt and often, disruptive changes to how organizations operate. Companies have had to rapidly adapt by shifting to no-contact forms of services, while trying to maintain productivity and security with a majority of their workforce, including DevOps teams, remote for the first time. This has required both organizational and technical agility, while remaining confident systems and data remain secure.

Join Mitch Ashley, security technologist and CEO of Accelerated Strategies Group, who shares the paths to determining the "new normal". Mitch will also discuss the essential role security plays in what will continue to be a rapidly shifting business and economic landscape.

Photograph of Mitch Ashley

Mitch Ashley, CEO - Accelerated Strategies Group

Mitchell Ashley is a renowned strategist and technology executive, who has led successful IT, SaaS, and cybersecurity transformations. Mitch serves as CEO & Managing Analyst of Accelerated Strategies Group where he is supported by a team of preeminent experts in digital transformation, DevOps, cloud-native, and cybersecurity. In this role, Mitch works with companies to align digital transformation and technology strategies to achieve disruptive goals and high impact results. Mitch is in high demand as a speaker at conferences the world over, and his popular DevOps Chats podcast engaging with digital leaders is one of the most widely followed in the field.

Photograph of Jason Jones

Jason Jones, Director, Product Management

Jason has been building business applications and software products going on 15 years. With a background in Development, QA, Product Management, and wearing as many hats as possible at a medical startup, he has extensive experience with the entire product lifecycle. Jason has been working on BeyondTrust products for the past 10 years and has a primary focus on our Privileged Password and Session Management solutions.

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