Striking the balance between enabling users and administrators to be productive whilst protecting your sensitive systems and data is becoming ever more challenging. Attackers are often one step ahead of organisations, and even those with the most comprehensive security systems and controls in place find that an attacker will discover and exploit their Achilles Heel.

This session provides practical steps to enable organisations to successfully implement industry recognized best practices and foundational security controls to secure IT systems and data against the most pervasive attacks. It provides tips to successfully implement a strategy of least privilege, allowing you to eliminate unnecessary privileges and elevate rights across multi platforms and networked devices without hindering end-user productivity, firmly shutting the door on attackers.

Photograph of John Hathaway

John Hathaway, Regional Vice President, META

As Regional Vice President, John is responsible for leading sales teams across The Middle East, Turkey, and Africa. He’s focused on developing a clear vision of success with BeyondTrust’s culture at the heart of the team.

Hathaway joined the company in 2015 to establish a branch of BeyondTrust in the region. After growing the base of enterprise customers, the branch has now developed into a significant EMEA contributor with a team of over 40 people, in a range of roles. BeyondTrust have become the leading privileged identity solutions provided in the region, by a long distance.

Hathaway has over 20 years enterprise software sales experience, previously heading up security sales for Arrow ECS from their Middle East office. Previously he’s held several enterprise hospitality software sales roles in the Middle East and United Kingdom for Agilisys and Oracle (Micros) . He recently completed The Power MBA and holds a business degree from The University of Coventry.

Photograph of Michael Byrnes

Michael Byrnes, Director, Solutions Engineering

Michael Byrnes is the Director, Solutions Engineer iMEA for BeyondTrust. He has acquired a wealth of cyber security experience in a number of engagements over the last 10 years with a diverse set of IT companies across the Middle East. Thanks to his various roles as a security consultant, a systems engineer or within pre-sales, he gained extensive expertise in network and information security, architecture design and virtualization. Within his current position at BeyondTrust, Michael manages the solution engineers’ team in the Middle East, India and Africa. With his group, he engages and advises partners, customers and prospects in their Privileged Access Management (PAM) strategy to secure and manage their entire universe of privileges.

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