A survey by Proofpoint found that almost half – 46% – of CSOs and CISOs said that ransomware or other forms of extortion by outsiders represents the biggest cybersecurity threat to them in 2021.

The CISO mandate is, at its core, a risk management mandate. As such, CISOs are always on the lookout for what can affect risks to their organizations, and the trends that shape an ever-evolving operation.

In our March LinkedIn Live session, join guest expert Limor Kessem, Executive Security Advisor at IBM Security, and Morey Haber, CTO/CISO at BeyondTrust who will share their insight around the biggest threats they are witnessing in 2021 including:

1. Ransomware & Cyber Extortion: Our top “Tips for CISOs” to breaking a vicious cycle

2. Cloud Compromise: The evolution of attacks on cloud environments combined with a mostly remote workforce can be a toxic mix. Our experts will touch on how they are dealing and their advice to CISOs on how to better manage cloud risks.

3. Targeted Industries: As COVID response continues to evolve in 2021 our experts will talk about the industries attackers are hitting the hardest, why, and how CISOs can better understand and manage business risk.

Photograph of Limor Sylvie Kessem

Limor Sylvie Kessem, Senior Managing Consultant, Cyber Crisis Management

Limor Kessem is an Executive Security Advisor at IBM Security. She is a widely sought-after security expert, speaker and author and a strong advocate for women in information security. At IBM, she leverages her over 10 years of cyber risk and security expertise to provide counsel to CSOs, CISOs, and CIOs at the world’s largest corporations and governments. In addition to her work with IBM, Limor is part of the Tel-Aviv University Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, is a founding member of the Cyber Week FraudCon conference, and volunteers in the local chapters of OWASP and BSides. To follow Limor’s security feed on Twitter, please check out: @iCyberFighter

Photograph of Morey J. Haber

Morey J. Haber, Chief Security Advisor

Morey J. Haber is the Chief Security Advisor at BeyondTrust. As the Chief Security Advisor, Morey is the lead identity and technical evangelist at BeyondTrust. He has more than 25 years of IT industry experience and has authored four books: Privileged Attack Vectors, Asset Attack Vectors, Identity Attack Vectors, and Cloud Attack Vectors. Morey has previously served as BeyondTrust’s Chief Security Officer, Chief Technology, and Vice President of Product Management during his nearly 12-year tenure. In 2020, Morey was elected to the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA) Executive Advisory Board, assisting the corporate community with identity security best practices. He originally joined BeyondTrust in 2012 as a part of the acquisition of eEye Digital Security, where he served as a Product Owner and Solutions Engineer, since 2004. Prior to eEye, he was Beta Development Manager for Computer Associates, Inc. He began his career as Reliability and Maintainability Engineer for a government contractor building flight and training simulators. Morey earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

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