“I have third-party vendors in my network, but I don’t really know what they are doing.” Does this sound familiar?

On average, IT professionals report that 182 third-party vendors* access their internal network on a weekly basis. These third-parties range from POS vendors to software manufacturers to IT outsourcers. They often have Active Directory credentials, and most likely, a VPN – enabling them to log in to your network at any time, and stay connected as long as they like.

There are many challenges and risks involved in managing privileged accounts for third-party vendors. Organizations have the complicated task of ensuring their systems are secure while, at the same time, making them easy to use.

So, how much access is too much? And how do you give legitimate users the access they need to be productive, while keeping attackers out?

Join Derek A. Smith in this upcoming webinar where he will discuss:

*Privileged Access Threat Report 2019

Photograph of Derek A. Smith

Derek A. Smith, Founder, National Cybersecurity Education Center

Derek A. Smith is an expert at cybersecurity, cyber forensics, healthcare IT, SCADA security, physical security, investigations, organizational leadership and training. He is currently an IT Supervisor at the Internal Revenue Service. He is also owner of The Intercessors Investigative and Training Group (www.theintercessorgroup.com). Formerly, Derek worked for several IT companies including Computer Sciences Corporation and Booz Allen Hamilton. Derek spent 18 years as a special agent for various government agencies and the military. He is also a cyber security professor at the University of Maryland, University College and Virginia University of Science and Technology and has taught for over 25 years. Derek is retired from the US Army and also served in the US Navy, and Air Force for a total of 24 years. He is completing his Doctorate Degree in Organizational Leadership and has completed an MBA, MS in IT Information Assurance, Masters in IT Project Management, and a BS in Education. Derek has written several books including Cybersense: The Leaders Guide to Protecting Critical Information, and its companion workbook, and he has contributed to several other books as an author and technical adviser.

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