The global pandemic of 2020 stressed healthcare and aid organizations to their breaking points. Unfortunately, cyber criminals and nations states took advantage of the situation to launch new attacks against the sector. Attacks ran the gamut from COVID-themed phishing lures designed to land ransomware, like Ryuk, on victim devices to blackmailing patients after data breaches. In addition to the health systems themselves attackers are also going after aid organizations and the supply and distribution chain for COVID vaccines.

In this on-demand webinar, Diana Kelley, CTO & Co-Founder of SecurityCurve, will breakdown the most common TTPs (tactic, techniques, and procedures) being used against healthcare and provide a list of recommendations organizations can implement to strengthen their IT immune systems and remain resilient against new and emerging attacks. Diana also covers ransomware examples like:

Photograph of Diana Kelley

Diana Kelley, CSO2 (Chief Strategy Officer/Chief Security Officer) and co-founder of Cybrize, Executive Mentor, Research Analyst, Security Keynote Speaker

Diana Kelley is the CSO2 (Chief Strategy Officer/Chief Security Officer) and co-founder of Cybrize. She also serves on the boards of Cyber Future Foundation, WiCyS, and The Executive Women’s Forum (EWF). Diana was Cybersecurity Field CTO for Microsoft, Global Executive Security Advisor at IBM Security, GM at Symantec, VP at Burton Group (now Gartner), a Manager at KPMG, CTO and co-founder of SecurityCurve, and Chief vCISO at SaltCybersecurity.

Her extensive volunteer work has included serving on the ACM Ethics & Plagiarism Committee, Cybersecurity Committee Advisor at CompTIA, CTO and Board Member at Sightline Security, Advisory Board Chair at WOPLLI Technologies, Advisory Council member Bartlett College of Science and Mathematics, Bridgewater State University, and RSAC US Program Committee.

She is a sought-after keynote speaker, the host of BrightTALK’s The (Security) Balancing Act, co-author of the books Practical Cybersecurity Architecture and Cryptographic Libraries for Developers, has been a lecturer at Boston College's Masters program in cybersecurity, the EWF 2020 Executive of the Year and EWF Conference Chair 2021 and 2022, an SCMedia Power Player, and one of Cybersecurity Ventures 100 Fascinating Females Fighting Cybercrime.

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