Customers in the throes of deploying their privileged account management solutions often ask us, "What's next?" And sometimes, "Where do we begin?" Whether deploying your first privileged account management solution or rounding out your deployment, having a plan – a target end state – is essential. If the old maxim, "A failure to plan is a plan to fail" is true, then you must begin every privileged account management project with the end in mind.

Join this informational webinar with Sr. Director of Product Marketing, Scott Lang, who will dive in and cover his 7-step strategy to achieving complete privileged account management. He will uncover how this process minimizes costs and distractions, and speeds results, helping you unify control and establish accountability over accounts, users, assets, systems and activity.

As an added bonus, all registrants will receive a link to download the solution whitepaper outlining each of these seven steps, where to begin a privileged account management project, how to progress to a higher level of security maturity, and what business outcomes to expect.

Photograph of Scott Lang

Scott Lang, Sr. Director, Product Marketing at BeyondTrust

Scott Lang has nearly 20 years of experience in technology product marketing, currently guiding the product marketing strategy for BeyondTrust’s privileged account management solutions and vulnerability management solutions. Prior to joining BeyondTrust, Scott was director of security solution marketing at Dell, formerly Quest Software, where he was responsible for global security campaigns, product marketing for identity and access management and Windows server management.

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