Stolen credentials are used in more than 60% of successful attacks against corporate networks. Lateral movement across networks using compromised credentials often goes unnoticed, but using behavioral analysis, Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) can identify when credentials are being used for malicious purposes.

In this webinar, Russell Smith introduces the concept of user behavior profiling, and specifically Microsoft's Advanced Threat Analytics solution, how it works in practice, and why least privilege security is essential for protecting credentials.

By the end of the session, attendees will understand:

This will be a session you won’t want to miss!

Photograph of Russell Smith

Russell Smith, IT Consultant & Security MVP

Russell Smith specializes in the management and security of Microsoft-based IT systems. In addition to blogging about Windows and Active Directory for the Petri IT Knowledgebase, Russell is a Contributing Editor at CDW’s Biztech Magazine.

Russell has more than 15 years of experience in IT, has written a book on Windows security, co-authored one for Microsoft’s Official Academic Course (MOAC) series and has delivered several courses for Pluralsight.

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