A Survey of Evolving Threats in Public Sector

BeyondTrust commissioned a survey of senior federal, state, and local government security professionals across the United States, with 200 responses and 83% in management roles. The survey looks at IT trends, the evolving threat landscape and shifts in threat actors - before looking at what cybersecurity measures are most effective in mitigating potential breaches. Key highlights include:

  • 96% say their cybersecurity budget has adequate funding
  • 83% believe the American Rescue Plan will boost government cybersecurity
  • 71% expect PAM to maintain or increase its level of importance within 1-3 years
  • 61% consider PAM extremely or somewhat important today

Public sector organizations bear a special responsibility to protect highly sensitive government and citizen information. Without question, cybersecurity is now a U.S. national security priority.

2021 Cybersecurity Trends in Government Report
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