Securing Federal Networks, Assets and Sensitive Information with The BeyondTrust Platform


Strengthening the cyber security of federal networks, systems and data is one of the most important challenges facing government agencies. The government has taken a number of critical steps recently to protect information security assets, such as the implementation of the Continuous Diagnostic and Mitigation (CDM) program.

The CDM program enables the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with federal, state, local, regional, and tribal governments, with the ability to enhance and further automate their existing continuous network monitoring capabilities, correlate and analyze critical security-related information, and enhance risk-based decision making at the agency and federal enterprise level. The CDM program benefits participating agencies by helping to identify security issues so that they can develop better remediation strategies and priorities.

The CDM program provides capabilities and tools that enable network administrators to know the state of their respective networks at any given time, by identifying and ranking problems for priority resolution. Continually monitoring networks for flaws and anomalies will alert network managers to attacks and intrusions, thereby enabling faster responses to fix vulnerabilities that allow attacks.

BeyondTrust privileged access management and vulnerability management solutions address more than half of the functional areas of CDM. Our solutions are integrated into a modular framework, best in class, technically proven, and backed by industry analyst recognition. The BeyondTrust IT Risk Management platform can be configured for vulnerability management privileged account management, or both. No matter where they begin, your customers have access to powerful, integrated platform that can be extended and augmented as their needs evolve – providing you with a clear path for additional services and consulting opportunities.

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