90% of businesses on the continent operate without the minimum necessary cybersecurity protocols in place.

Africa’s Road Map to Identity Maturity and Security Using Privileged Access Controls

To better understand the cybersecurity landscape across Africa, and to explore the need for identity-focused security alignment, BeyondTrust recently completed a report, titled "Africa’s Road Map to Identity Maturity and Security Using Privileged Access Controls". The report, which features IDC analyst insights, revealed that effective cybersecurity remains a major challenge across Africa--despite increasing IT investments.

The following are some statistics from the the report that highlight the current lack of maturity in identity protocols, the outdated cybersecurity strategies, and their perceived risk to identity security, in Africa:

  • 90% of businesses on the continent operate without the minimum necessary cybersecurity protocols and only a handful of countries have cybersecurity regulations in place.
  • Only 18% of organizations in Africa are using PAM solutions.
  • 53% of respondents in South Africa regarded identity-specific tools to manage access to cloud resources as their second most important cloud investment priority for the following 12–18 months.

Download the full infographic to access more insightful findings, or click here to download the full report.

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