Privileged accounts and credentials are the most commonly targeted point of entry for cybercriminals and the risk surface is significantly greater than it used to be. With the development of hybrid infrastructures, virtualization, and cloud there are more privileged accounts than ever for attackers to target.

To counter these risks, compliance mandates across all industries are continuously evolving and introducing new requirements to ensure that sensitive data is protected by the organizations handling it, including how and when it is accessed.

BeyondTrust & Compliance = Better Together

With capabilities to set granular permissions, capture audit logs, and enforce password and authentication policies, BeyondTrust can help your organization meet compliance requirements for a variety of types such as GDPR, PCI, HIPAA, SOX, and more! See how BeyondTrust maps across strict compliance mandates.

“Given the recent increase in network breaches, we wanted to strengthen our security measures even further. When looking at the BeyondTrust solution, its security features were like icing on the cake. The BeyondTrust solution fulfilled all of our current [PCI Compliance] requirements, and as far as I’m concerned, any future requirements as well.”

– Jeff Doyle, CEO and President of Revention

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