Evaluate Cloud Service Provider Security Controls

Measure CSP security with a step-by-step questionnaire

Cloud service providers (CSP) provide foundational infrastructure services to most modern organizations — including ensuring the security of their hosted resources. As a result of growing cyberthreats across global infrastructure, security teams need to exert greater care in examining cloud provider security controls.

This questionnaire highlights the baseline security controls and capabilities to look for in a potential cloud service provider and identifies any weak points that require attention. It will also help inform you on whether a provider’s capabilities are in line with evolving cyberthreats and cloud security best practices.

Download a copy of this step-by-step document to start evaluating the security foundation of any cloud service provider you are considering.

Download the Questionnaire to Get Started

The questions and verification steps in this document are designed to evaluate the security foundation of any cloud service provider you are considering.

Noticing Gaps on Your Questionnaire?

Take the next steps towards cloud security on your own terms

Customers share a responsibility with cloud providers for securing their cloud-hosted applications. By completing this checklist, you should have obtained a clearer look into the gaps of your current cloud environment.

Here’s how to start solidifying cloud security in the near term — without relying solely on your cloud provider.

BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management is designed to quickly implement enterprise cloud security best practices. Address gaps around privileges, access controls, remote access, monitoring, and auditing using BeyondTrust.

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