A Map of how BeyondTrust can help you meet the Essential Eight

Originally published in February 2010, the Australian Signals Directorate (ACSC) developed a list of strategies to mitigate targeted cyber intrusions. In 2017, four additional recommendations were added, creating the Essential Eight. This guidance promotes the adoption of sound security and operational practices for managing technology used within Australian Government Agencies.

This compliance brief provides an overview of the Essential Eight and explains how BeyondTrust’s Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions can help organisations meet seven of the Essential Eight mitigation strategies. Download this document for an overview of:

  • The ACSC and the Essential Eight
  • How BeyondTrust can help you address 7 of the 8 ACSC strategies
  • BeyondTrust PAM solutions

Download now, and learn how you can simplify your path to the ACSC guidance with BeyondTrust solutions.

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