Measure Your Security Posture

Step-by-step security controls evaluation

Your organization's security architecture has a lot of moving parts — across networks, infrastructure, and applications. In order to make improvements, you need to catalogue what cybersecurity controls already exist, and where the biggest gaps are exposed. It's getting the actual measurement of that architecture that's the difficult part.

That's where this checklist is designed to help.

Download a copy of this example security assessment to assess the current security controls of your organization — and to identify any gaps that should be addressed. Inside you'll find evaluation questions and a template to cover all corners of your perimeter, including:

  • Cybersecurity & Personnel Security Controls
  • Network Security Controls
  • IT Application Controls
  • And more

Download the Checklist to Get Started

Get the full picture of your organization’s security standing.

Noticing Gaps on Your Checklist?

BeyondTrust has you covered

Privileged accounts, identities and remote access tools represent some of the largest threats to your organization's security — and can be the most challenging security challenges to solve without help.

BeyondTrust's Privileged Access Management solutions are built to enable identity and access security that is monitored, managed, secured, and just-in-time. Quickly align with identity and access security best practices. Reliably address gaps around privileges, identities, access controls, remote access, monitoring, and auditing.

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