Meet Cyber Insurance Requirements with Identity Security & PAM

Managing risk begins with securing your organization's digital identities and assets. But in a world of relentless cyberattacks and threat actors increasingly armed with AI, cyber insurance remains an important enterprise risk management strategy.

But, what happens if cyber insurers turn you down? It's an undesirable reality many organizations face. Cyber insurers are also trying to manage risk. Exposure to policy holders with poor cybersecurity hygiene means cyber insurers have a high risk of facing losses due to a breach and the associated costs, such as exorbitant ransomware payouts.

BeyondTrust provides privileged access management (PAM) and identity security solutions that fulfill many of the specific criteria that cyber insurers demand to qualify for a policy, and to get the most favorable rates. Cyber insurers require these security controls because they prevent many attacks outright, while also mitigating the impact of attacks that do land, by limiting lateral movement and orchestrating rapid detection and threat neutralization.

Download this checklist now to see the identity security and PAM controls cyber insurers commonly require—and also learn how BeyondTrust solutions address these requirements.

"BeyondTrust provides a powerful platform that allows us to streamline and standardize application control and privileged management across our entire organization. We have successfully deployed a comprehensive and comprehensible solution that protects Ramboll’s IT assets and empowers users to make informed decisions about the apps they use. Our people are smarter and better protected, and that’s great news for our business."

Dan Bartlett, Senior Consultant
Case Study: Ramboll Case Study
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