Ensure GDPR Compliance for All Your Privileged Users

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been designed to better protect how the personal data of EU citizens and residents is collected, processed, and stored.

To comply with GDPR, organizations must evaluate how they gather and store data, and who has access to this data.

Secure and Control Access to Data

Security must be central to an organizations’ data protection / data privacy strategy to ensure they can control and protect access to the systems that hold personal data. A key component of this strategy is a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution that enables organizations to proactively protect their privileged credentials and their use.

Organizations must also ensure all remote access methods are secured to protect their data as this is the number one method of compromise used. This includes how remote access is provided to devices and systems and how remote support is delivered, but also how third parties’ remotely access their systems.

GDPR requires organizations to implement granular controls for access and set and enforce clear roles and responsibilities and must ensure their remote access tools enable them to achieve this.

BeyondTrust's Commitment to Ensuring Strong Data Protection Standards

With BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management (PAM), organizations can proactively protect and audit their privileged accounts and credentials, while enforcing the principle of least privilege.

BeyondTrust Remote Access solutions provide enterprises with powerful controls over how remote access is extended to devices and systems and how remote support is delivered--both for internal employees and for third-party vendors.

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