An Analysis of BeyondTrust's Enterprise Password Management Solution

KuppingerCole’s Executive View: Password Safe is a comprehensive, independent analysis of BeyondTrust’s privileged account and session management solution.

Download this report to learn:

  • How PAM uniquely addresses some of the most critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities
  • The top PAM requirements that all organizations should consider
  • How Password Safe provides market-leading shared account password management and session management capabilities across a wide range of target systems
  • Password Safe’s enhanced integrations with other products in the BeyondTrust family.

As stolen privileged credentials continue to be a leading cause of data breaches across all industries, the enterprise password management becomes an increasingly must-have capability. However, not every PAM vendor has the technology maturity and market understanding to secure today’s enterprises.

Download this KuppingerCole report to discover how Password Safe can help you detect and mitigate security threats that capitalize on improperly secured privileged accounts and credentials.

Password Safe has positioned itself as a leading password vaulting solution within BeyondTrust’s family of privileged access management (PAM) products that represent one of the most comprehensive PAM solutions in the market today.

Anmol Singh, Lead Analyst, KuppingerCole

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