Privileged Access Management (PAM) is an important area of access risk management and identity security in any organization. Privileged accounts have traditionally been given to administrators to access critical data and applications. But, changing business practices, hybrid IT, cloud and other aspects of digital transformation has meant that users of privileged accounts have become more numerous and widespread. One area in sharp focus is DevOps support which has become essential to many organizations looking to become more responsive and innovative. Application developers and other agile teams increasingly need privileged access to essential tools, and several PAM vendors are responding to this demand.

BeyondTrust DevOps solutions helps organizations centrally manage secrets and other credentials, mitigating secrets sprawl and reducing the attack surface. The solutions are built to secure secrets without slowing down the application delivery process. KupperingerCole’s recent report recognizes the unique and complex challenges that exist in DevOps and other dynamic environments and BeyondTrust’s advancements in this category of Privileged Access Management.

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