The Tenth Anniversary Edition of the Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report is Here!

See into the past, present, and future of the vulnerability landscape

Since the report debuted in 2013, it has garnered over 15,000 downloads and has benefited thousands of users with detailed data analysis and expert findings. In this year's edition, get additional insights garnered from a decades-worth of vulnerability analytics and much more.

What will you learn in this year’s special edition?

This 10-year anniversary edition of the Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report dissects the 2022 Microsoft vulnerabilities data and highlights some of the key shifts since the inaugural report.

Key Findings:

  • 1,292 reported vulnerabilities in total — hitting an all-time high since the report began 10 years ago.
  • For the third year in a row, Elevation of Privilege was the #1 vulnerability category.
  • Critical vulnerabilities dropped for the 2nd year in a row, hitting a five-year low of 89 in 2022.
  • Azure & Dynamics 365 vulnerabilities skyrocketed by 159%, from 44 in 2021 to 114 in 2022.

Read the full report for a deeper dive into these findings so you can better understand, identify, and address the risks within the Microsoft ecosystem.

This report will spotlight some of the most significant CVEs of 2022 (9.0+ CVSS severity scores), break down how they are leveraged by attackers, demonstrate how they can continue to "snowball" despite patching, and explain how they can be prevented or mitigated. You’ll also gain prescriptive advice for effectively addressing vulnerabilities, access to the expert commentary of noteworthy industry leaders, and a special AI guest will weigh in as we look ahead to how the next decade of threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber defenses may unfold.

The 10-year trend analysis in this report offers unique and valuable insights for security professionals looking to secure their organization against current and future threats.

Derek Hanson Vice President Solutions Architecture & Alliances, Yubico

Topics Covered in the Report Include:

10-Year Retrospective

Find out how this year’s Microsoft vulnerability findings align to the 10-year trends--and why it might be a case of "Mo Money Mo Problems” for Microsoft.

Vulnerabilities Data Deep-Dive

Find out how vulnerabilities have trended between categories (including Elevation of Privilege and Remote Code Execution) and between Microsoft products, and more importantly, why.

A Breakdown of the Vulnerability Snowball Effect

Learn why the vulnerability count can start to snowball--even after a vulnerability is found and patched.

Expert Opinions and Advice

Hear from notable industry figures, such as Jane Frankland, CEO, KnewStart Founder, IN Security Movement; Derek Hanson, Vice President Solutions Architecture & Alliances, Yubico; Charles Henderson, Global Managing Partner & Head of X-Force, IBM; Troy Hunt, Founder & CEO, Have I Been Pwned, Microsoft Regional Director & MVP; Paula Januszkiewicz, CEO, CQURE; Marc Maiffret, Chief Technology Officer, BeyondTrust; Avi Shua, CEO & Co-Founder, Orca Security.

And don't miss a special commentary from our featured AI guest.

Tips for Mitigating Microsoft-Based Vulnerability Risks

Learn 5 indispensable mitigation strategies for securing your Microsoft environment.

When the attack happens, the first thing an attacker needs is identity. Therefore, it is impossible to build a secure ecosystem without rethinking our corporate approach again and again.

Paula Januszkiewicz, CEO, CQURE

Given the current threat landscape and the information contained within BeyondTrust’s report, going into 2023, security leaders would be wise to enforce least privilege and monitor identity access to help them protect against future threats, including loss of revenue, IP, reputation, and fines.

Jane Frankland CEO, KnewStart Founder, IN Security Movement

BeyondTrust protects privileged identities, right-sizes privileges, and secures and audits privileged access across the enterprise.

When it comes to reducing the risk associated with Microsoft critical vulnerabilities, BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management (PAM) delivers a robust range of benefits. This includes gaining proactive protection against external threats (ransomware, malware, etc.) and insider threats.

Want to learn why over 20,000 customers chose BeyondTrust?
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