Identify & Address OT Remote Access Risks

Modern operational technology (OT) systems rely on a joint effort of off-site vendors, operators, and employees to maintain. An avalanche of new security risks emerge as more and more closed OT systems are opened to enable remote access for all parties involved.

Enabling secure remote access to your OT systems is critical to maintaining the productivity and business continuity of your organization.

Use this assessment to identify the appropriate remote access and compliance solution for your ICS/OT environments. Learn what considerations to make in order to:

  • Maintain compliance and business continuity, while protecting critical systems
  • Keep OT environments and IoT devices secure without inhibiting business agility or compromising safety
  • Implement best practice for managing and securing infrastructure access
  • And more

Assess Your OT Environment, Step-by-Step

Download a copy of this assessment to identify OT security risks and learn how to maintain compliance as your OT & IoT ecosystems expand.

Managing connected worker cyber risks is an urgent issue and demands enhancements to existing IT and OT industrial cybersecurity programs. Conventional VPN and RPC approaches don’t provide the security that is needed and are too difficult to manage. Connected workers require zero trust across all industrial systems and resources.

Industrial Connected Workers Require Zero Trust. ARC View. 11/2021

Secure Remote Access to OT Systems & Infrastructure with BeyondTrust

BeyondTrust Privileged Remote Access enables organizations to secure critical infrastructure and OT environments without disrupting operations, compromising safety or risking non-compliance. Our solution provides secure remote access in a single, flexible solution that simplifies deployments and ensures maximum scalability—while empowering remote operators and vendors to be productive.

Key Capabilities Include:

  • Complete visibility and control over OT remote access
  • Least privilege enforcement with granular access controls
  • Network segregation
  • Reduced administrative burden and simplified workflows
  • Creation of comprehensive audit trails
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