5 Common Endpoint Privilege Management Use Cases for macOS

Mac devices continue to expand their presence across organization's of all shapes, sizes, and verticals. While undoubtedly a win for employees, not all organization's have equivalent macOS security controls as they do for Windows endpoints.

One of the simplest, yet most impactful, ways to take control of your macOS endpoints and prevent breaches is to implement least privilege by removing excessive standing privileges from your users. However, without the right endpoint privilege management solution in place, removing excessive privileges can create roadblocks to productivity.

Download this whitepaper to discover the top privileged access management (PAM) use cases for macOS devices, including:

  • Removing admin privileges from internal teams without compromising productivity
  • Preventing users from running or installing unwanted applications
  • Simplifying forensics, auditing, and reporting processes — and achieving compliance in the process

Discover the Top macOS Use Cases for PAM

Get the full whitepaper to explore how PAM can be used to secure and manage macOS devices.

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