With Remote Support Tools, Less is More

Many IT service desk teams use a number of remote access tools to support their users. An audit of the remote support tools in your organization will likely reveal that different remote access products are being used for different support scenarios.

Without a strategic long-term view, a multi-product patchwork of various tools is not only difficult to maintain, but also leads to inefficiency, extra expenses, and security risks.

Read this whitepaper to learn why less is more—and how to start consolidating remote support tools before they grow out of control.

Consolidate Remote Support With BeyondTrust

BeyondTrust Remote Support enables you to quickly access and fix nearly any remote device, running any platform, located anywhere in the world through one solution. Remote Support offers the security, integration, and management capabilities your IT and customer support organizations need to increase productivity, improve performance, and deliver a superior customer experience.

"Unifying our teams with a single remote support solution was an important part of our continual service improvement initiative."

The University of Miami
Want to learn why over 20,000 customers chose BeyondTrust?
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