Simplify the Unix/Linux Security Puzzle with Privileged Access Management

Unix and Linux systems often house the “keys to the kingdom” for an organization’s most critical applications and most sensitive data. However, because many of these systems are siloed, many organizations have a tough time trying to effectively and efficiently secure, control, and monitor their privileged accounts and credentials in their Unix/Linux environments. Consequently, the company’s sensitive accounts and credentials, which bad actors can use to access sensitive data, change system settings, and delete audit logs, are often left woefully unprotected.

To effectively protect Unix/Linux accounts and credentials, organizations have to implement controls that allow for central management of their privileged accounts throughout the enterprise. These organizations must also secure and switch the SSH keys they use. In this whitepaper, Derek Smith, an expert at cybersecurity, cyber forensics, healthcare IT, investigations, organizational leadership and training, takes a closer look at:

  • The challenge of Unix/Linux security-related problems
  • The shortcomings of using the sudo command to secure Unix/Linux privileged accounts
  • Tactics to effectively manage Unix/Linux privileged accounts
  • How a comprehensive Privileged Access Management solution can help

“To effectively protect Unix/Linux accounts and credentials, organizations have to implement controls that allow for central management of their privileged accounts throughout the enterprise.”

Derek A. Smith
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