Step 1- Education and Internal Alignment

Download our presentation to learn how BeyondTrust and PAM map to grant program elements.

This presentation includes:

  • Notice of Funding Objective and Overview
  • Aligning BeyondTrust Driven Outcomes to Grant Initiatives
  • BeyondTrust Overview
  • BeyondTrust in Public Sector
  • Introduction to the BeyondTrust Team
  • Partners in Success

Step 2 - Understand Your Risk with the Discovery Application

Privileged Access Discovery App

Securely reveal privileged accounts and credentials in your environment in minutes—for free. No installation necessary.

  • Uncover privileged accounts and credentials
  • Identify account misconfigurations: overprivileged accounts, unused accounts, old passwords, and more
  • Get unlimited scans, detailed scan results, and a summary report of all findings

Illuminate Privileged Access Risk, Then Address It

Understanding your privileged access security challenges is a crucial step for organizations. Objectives including risk management, threat mitigation, zero trust security, and cyber insurance qualification depend on privileged account security.

The Impact of Unidentified Privileges

  • An increased vulnerability to privilege escalation attacks, lateral movement, insider threats, and more
  • Without visibility into privileged accounts, security teams cannot accurately assess risks
  • According to Forrester Research, about 80% of breaches directly or indirectly involve privileged credentials

Harden your Systems, & Eliminate Risky Backdoors

Stolen privileged credentials or compromised remote access tools are used in nearly every data breach. Use the Privileged Access Discovery Application to run unlimited scans—on up to 1,000 network targets at a time. Shine a light on vulnerable accounts, credentials, and tools living on your network. Then, apply that information to correct privileged access, eliminate orphaned accounts, address poor password hygiene, and mitigate other privilege-related vulnerabilities.

Explore a Sample Report

The Privileged Access Discovery Application produces an overview report of the privileged activity within your organization. Inside, you’ll gain new insight into the systems on your network, including privileged accounts, SSH keys, services, and remote access tools—pinpointing where your biggest security challenges lie. Check out an example of a summary report.

Step 3 - Reach Out

We look forward to discussing your plans and objectives and how this grant can be used to improve your cybersecurity posture. If there are partners or integrators that you are working with on existing cybersecurity initiatives, we are happy to share content and work alongside them in your pursuit of grant awards.

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