Quantify Your Risk of Exposure

Stolen privileged credentials or compromised remote access tools are used in nearly every data breach. Use the Privileged Access Discovery Application to run unlimited scans—on up to 1,000 network targets at a time. Shine a light on vulnerable accounts and tools living on your network. Then, apply that information to correct privileged access, address poor password hygiene, and mitigate other privilege-related vulnerabilities.

How the Privileged Access Discovery Application Works

The Privileged Access Discovery Application identifies account misconfigurations including overprivileged accounts, service accounts using user identities, and unused accounts. By identifying the age of passwords, it points to unused accounts or accounts that have not had their passwords rotated. It also finds remote access tools you might not know are present on your network.

The data and reporting generated by the application is available only to you. Passwords aren't recorded, and no sensitive data is retained by the utility.

Start discovering what’s on your network today, tomorrow, or whenever your environment changes.

Explore a Sample Report

The Privileged Access Discovery Application produces an overview report of the privileged activity within your organization. Inside, you’ll gain new insight into the systems on your network, including privileged accounts, SSH keys, services, and remote access tools—pinpointing where your biggest security challenges lie.

Illuminate Privileged Access Risk, Then Address It

Understanding your privileged access security challenges is a crucial step for organizations. Objectives including risk management, threat mitigation, zero trust security, and cyber insurance qualification depend on privileged account security.

The Impact of Unidentified Privileges

  • An increased vulnerability to privilege escalation attacks, lateral movement, insider threats, and more
  • Without visibility into privileged accounts, security teams cannot accurately assess risks
  • According to Forrester Research, about 80% of breaches directly or indirectly involve privileged credentials

Identify Remote Access & Support Risks

Overlapping remote support solutions pose substantial risk to your organization, negatively impact productivity and user experience, and may be financially inefficient. The first step to consolidating remote support is identifying which tools are active on your network.

The Risks of Redundant Remote Tools Include:

Complicated Service Processes

Bouncing between different remote support tools generates unnecessary friction between ticket resolution and user satisfaction.

Manual Overhead Sink

Poorly integrated tools adds to the amount of hands-on work assigned to your service technicians and distracts from the mission.

Hidden Security Gaps

Patchwork solutions built from several different tools leaves a lot of attack surface unmanaged — or unmanageable.

Overpaying for Redundant Tools

Different teams may be using different tools to accomplish the same goal, leaving you paying double.

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